Hi all,

I hope you all are continuing to do well as things get a little clearer for all of us regarding the near future. In the interest of clarifying things a bit more, I would like to add a few updates to our situation.

1. As predicted, several schools have adjusted their status for this coming admissions cycle to “test optional.” Among these is Case Western Reserve U., a popular college with our students. Of course, most students in our area are pretty strong test takers, but it is helpful to know that, even in test optional situations, good test scores will still help the students who submit them.

2. AP exams will take place online, and most will be comprised of a 45-minute (!) exam. Exceptions are obviously portfolio-based (e.g. Studio Art) exams/programs. This will be updated by College Board in more detail over the next week.

3. Summer programs, for the most part, are maintaining that they will still be held. For pre-seniors, then, we’ll need to progress as though this is the case, but we will also need to have multiple online (research, college classes, volunteering, etc.) backup plans.

4. For graduating seniors, NACAC (National Assoc. of College Admissions Counselors) has published a list of colleges pushing back their deposit dates (normally May 1) and their student visit dates. The list can be found here.

Finally, as you might be aware, I will be hosting an online seminar going into more detail about how COVID-19 will impact the college admissions process in the immediate and near future. This is mostly designed for underclassmen, but matriculating seniors and their families will get something from it, too. This will take place Sunday, April 5, 2020, at 12 noon Pacific time via Zoom. Shirley will update you with a link. Feel free to share with others.

As always, please let us know questions and any concerns. Stay inside and stay healthy!

